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Terms & Conditions

SF Fitness & Health Center Ltd
Church Buildings, Church Lane, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14, D14T229, Ireland
Company Number: 551392

SF Fitness offers Personal Training Memberships, specialising in fitness programmes for those over 45.

When you purchase a membership to SF Fitness you agree to:

  • Book all sessions in advance via the SF app
  • Keep your membership up to date with payments
  • Follow the SF Fitness programme assigned to you
  • Be mindful and respectful of other members around you during sessions
  • Be respectful to the coaches and staff
  • Take the advice and coaching from the coaches on board
  • Clean up after yourself and put all equipment back in its rightful place

We, SF Fitness, agree to

  • Coach and encourage you to the best of our abilities
  • Keep you safe and ensure you progress at the right level for you
  • Listen for and take on feedback to ensure you get the required level of service
  • Provide a welcoming and comfortable environment for you to exercise in.

Refunds & Cancelations

When you purchase a membership you have 7 days from the date of purchase to cancel it and receive a full refund provided you have not yet started your membership. Starting your membership means attending 1 or more coaching sessions.

If you wish to pause or cancel a recurring membership we require 30 days’ notice from your billing date. eg billing date is 5th November, we would require notice by the 6th November to pause/stop December’s fees.

All requests for cancellation or pauses must be emailed to info@sffitness.ie with the required 30-day notice.

In case of a major illness or injury that prevents you from participating, we do not require 30 days’ notice as long as you provide a doctor’s note.

With each membership, you are allocated a number of coaching sessions (credits) per week (1, 2, or 3) (4, 8, or 12 per month) plus unlimited self-guided and custom heart rate cardio sessions.

These coaching session credits cannot be carried over from month to month. However, they can be rescheduled within the same month. Please give plenty of notice if you wish to do so.

Our memberships are priced based on the assumption that you may miss the odd week due to a short-term illness or trip away. In cases like these, you can use your missed coaching sessions either before or after the event, you are also not limited on how often you attend each month.  

During your membership you will always have access to your program via the Bridge App. This remains the intellectual property of SF Fitness, and has a monetary value. Home and hotel workouts can be designed for you upon request.

These terms are for your benefit and for the benefit of running a successful service for you. With exercise consistency and commitment are key, so we encourage you to come as regularly as possible. Because of the personalised nature of your program, on any given day, it can be modified to suit you. We have had members come in and train with 1 arm in a cast after surgery and also members attend to keep their strength levels up while going through chemotherapy. We are also a small business and require a predictable cash flow each month to operate and serve you to the best of our ability.

These terms and conditions do not affect your statutory rights

SF Fitness