
Category Archives for Uncategorized

Top Tips To Get Fit in 2025?

January, the time of year well-meaning ‘resolutioners’ start with the best intentions only to falter by February. Through no fault of their own, I might add. So if you’re planning on getting fit this year here are my top tips for doing it the right way. 1. Get an assessment Sure there are all these ‘new’ and […]

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I Used to Believe

I used to believe… ❌ Anything short of 100% was a cop-out ❌ In all or nothing ❌ In being perfect ❌ Being vulnerable & asking for help was a sign of weakness ❌ That certain foods were fattening or bad for me ❌ And I should feel guilty after eating said foods ❌ That exercising to exhaustion was a sign of […]

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I’m A College Dropout

I’ve never been one to just accept what I’m told I should do, can do, or can’t do.Especially when I know what’s right for me. 6 months was enough for me to realise college wasn’t for me.I wasn’t particularly confident or sure about what I needed to do next. I just knew the “traditional” path […]

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Realistic Results

Most people judge the effectiveness of their exercise or diet by the daily changes on the scales. This is, without a doubt, the worst way to judge if it’s working.Here’s why:Your scale weight is the sum of the weight of your skin, bones, muscles, organs, blood, water, food waste, and fat among other things.It is […]

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Need Motivation?

Motivation Personal trainer Dublin

You’ll always desire the results you want. If I said we could do a 3 hour training session today and you’d wake up tomorrow feeling and looking exactly as you wanted, you’d do it right?So motivation isn’t what’s missing.But saying your motivation has dropped or you’ve lost it stops you from actually doing what you […]

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Carb Myths – Are you making this mistake?

A member asked me the other day about something they read on not mixing carbs and fats together in meals. Now, let’s ignore the practicality, or lack of, with this and look at the theory behind it. Proponents of this absurd method say that when we eat carbs we raise insulin levels, which is true. And […]

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Do you need more core work?

A member asked me a great question the other day if they could get more core work in their next programme. They really wanted to work on toning their midsection. It’s an innocuous enough looking question and one that  we’d get asked quite regularly. However there’s an underlying issue with toning it that I thought would […]

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Cardio for Stress – How to increase Health, Wellness, and Longevity

The purpose of cardiovascular exercise is not to make you sweat or burn calories. Unfortunately it has been used for these purposes throughout my 20 years in the fitness industry. From step aerobics and spinning classes to bootcamps and HIIT I’ve taught all the classes. And this means I’ve seen the results, or lack of, […]

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Cardio – It’s not what you think

To the naked eye, exercise can seem fairly simple It’s often categorised into just 2 or 3 parts, lifting weights, cardio, and mobility/flexibility, maybe core training too. But with the first 2, there are different effects you get depending on how you do them. You can do pure strength training, lifting weights heavy enough you […]

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28 Day Body Fat Blitz

Just a few examples of previous results on the programme. These pics were taken between 21 and 28 days apart.   Yes, all these results happened in less than 1 month! More details coming soon…

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