
The 2 reasons gyms hate you

The people who run commercial gyms hate you

Here’s why

1. They oversell their cheap ass 30 quid a month memberships

And if everyone decided to go at the same time they couldn’t cope

Therefore they actually don’t want you to go

Which means they don’t want you to get fitter

As much as I love making money

I actually had to stop taking members at SF Fitness mid last year

Because we were straining with the numbers

And had to scale back things

Which meant less members and less money coming in

Not good for the bank

But it meant an entire rethink of how we did things

And thankfully we now have the capacity to take more members

But still make sure everyone shows up every week

And gets the personal coaching neededsfgym114

To achieve what they signed up for here


2. Gyms are intimidating places

The only people who can get results in them

are people who know what they are doing

Who feel comfortable there

Surrounded by lycra clad 20 year olds

Taking selfies every time they see their reflection

But these type of people don’t need help

Well they probably do, but it’s a different kind of help

The reason I set up SF Fitness is to cater for the people

sfgym118Who the gyms don’t

Who might feel embarrassed about how unfit they are

And what a trainer might ‘make’ them do

Or what type of diet they’ll be put on

That’s why I came up with the name Personal Fitness Centre

It’s your fitness and your body with your own unique challenges

and so I want to give you a personal solution to solve them

But in order to do that you’ve got to put your hand up and apply here


John ‘it’s personal’ O’C

P.S. The next email might sting for some people

Will probably get a few unsubscribes too

But only because it’s the truth

And some people don’t like hearing the truth

Let’s hope you’re not one of them…

About the Author John O'C

John O'Connell is the owner of SF Fitness & Health Centre. He started working in the fitness industry in 2002 after suffering a back injury. He has worked with many professional organisations including Leinster Rugby, An Garda Siochana, New Zealand Rugby, Dublin GAA, Spar and CBRE. He has also appeared muliple times on both RTE & TV3 as a health & fitness expert. John is the co-author of 2 international best selling books - Total Body Breakthroughs and The Fit Formula.

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