Not sticking with something
A really common reason for not getting the results you want right
Just think about what’s gonna happen in January
A flood of people joining all those cheap ass gyms
Only to not even go
Or go once and never go back
Like SF member Sarah
Who was only telling me on Sat about a gym she had joined
Before she came to SF
Had one session with an instructor
And in her words…“nearly died”
Had to stop the session and all
Needless to say it was a long time before she went back
I won’t go into why beasting someone in their first session is idiotic
But no matter what your challenges are
For not sticking with exercise or a food plan
There is one sure fire way to help you
It’s what I do with myself
It’s what we do here at SF Fitness
And that is
Keeping score
What do I mean by that?
We record every workout you do
– So you can increase your fitness and strength at the best rate for you
We record your measurements
– So you can see the inches dropping
We show you how to record what you eat
– So you can be healthier without depriving yourself
There’s a hell of a lot more we record too
depending on your goals and what you struggle with
But by keeping score we know how to ensure you get jaw dropping results
If you don’t keep score you’ll lose motivation
If you don’t keep score you’ll feel like giving up when it gets tough (and it always does)
If you don’t keep score you won’t know how well you’re doing
If you don’t keep score you won’t stay consistent
If you don’t keep score you’ll simply end up feeling the exact same way as you do now
Wanna know the only score I’m keeping right now?
Now that I’m feeling a bit meh and on a come down after last week?
4 workouts a week
That’s it
Because I know if I can stick with that I won’t fall off the wagon
I won’t destroy all my hard work over the last 3 months
And when it comes to January I’ll be able to ramp things up again
Of course I’m not just keeping score by myself
I’ve still got a coach to keep me accountable
Which is exactly what you’ll get when you join SF Fitness
So you can not only get those jaw dropping results
But keep them as well
John ‘score keeper’ O’C
P.S. There’s a good few people talking about McGregor and The Law Of Attraction
And how he’s used it to get where he is
But I call BS on this
Will tell you why tomorrow
John O'Connell is the owner of SF Fitness & Health Centre. He started working in the fitness industry in 2002 after suffering a back injury. He has worked with many professional organisations including Leinster Rugby, An Garda Siochana, New Zealand Rugby, Dublin GAA, Spar and CBRE. He has also appeared muliple times on both RTE & TV3 as a health & fitness expert. John is the co-author of 2 international best selling books - Total Body Breakthroughs and The Fit Formula.