
Meet Rhona

At SF Fitness. we specialise in ongoing life-changing transformations for women aged 40+ (members who’ve been with us for several months say they can’t believe how far they’ve come).

Rhona says that over several months as a member, she’s gone “from the edge of despair over my weight issues” to feeling “astonished to have achieved so much”. Read the rest of her story here…

What was your life like before you started with SF? Personal Trainer Rathfarnham

I was on the edge of despair.

I had tried several other ways of dealing with my weight issues, although I felt it was never about being overweight but about my confidence and self-esteem, I felt a failure that I was growing into this middle-aged woman that I didn’t recognise.

What had you tried to do to change this? 

I tried Weight watchers, Motivation, Educo Gym, starving myself, trying to run, walk, swim, cycle, starve myself again, detox (a nice way of saying I starved myself),

Each one had a brief moment of success followed by giving up

Tell everyone about your results at SF…

The physical results are reflected in my friends and colleagues remarking on my changing shape. I feel the delight of trying clothes on in fitting rooms and not cringing at my size in the mirror

I love putting on clothes from my wardrobe and finding they’re too big for me

Rhona Leg Curl

I am so much more confident in all aspect of my life now

And I can see it in particularly in my work as I am self-employed and my work has increased at a remarkable pace

How do you feel now after coming so far?

I am so thrilled at coming this far, I am astonished I have achieved so much and I am so grateful for the amount of energy I have, and I look forward to the future

What is it about SF that changed everything for you?

SF Fitness has been and is an inspiration for me,

I have never stuck with a programme like this for so long, it’s been 1 year & 1 month now

I thoroughly enjoy the different programmes the team work out for me, I love the challenge of beating my PB (that’s shorthand for personal best) for lifting weights, I love the camaraderie of the other members and even at 7am there is always a giggle.

What is your outlook on life, fitness, and health like now?

My wish and hope is onwards and upwards, and surprise surprise I thoroughly enjoy the feeling that a workout gives me, who knows where it is going to bring me I have this sneaky wish of completing a big challenge in the future, Watch this space….

About the Author John O'C

John O'Connell is the owner of SF Fitness & Health Centre. He started working in the fitness industry in 2002 after suffering a back injury. He has worked with many professional organisations including Leinster Rugby, An Garda Siochana, New Zealand Rugby, Dublin GAA, Spar and CBRE. He has also appeared muliple times on both RTE & TV3 as a health & fitness expert. John is the co-author of 2 international best selling books - Total Body Breakthroughs and The Fit Formula.

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