
Is this what you’re missing?

Just reopened the doors to SF Fitness

It was a full house today

But with the inevitable New Year, New You crap

that’s gonna be plastered all over the media

I gotta make sure I protect the SF members

Make sure they don’t start believing the hype around the latest detox

Or exercise fad

And the best way to do this is with my secret weapon

It’s the missing ingredient in most people’s fitness arsenal

It’s called common sense

And I was reminded of it by a 7 year old

You see he asked his mum if he could get some of the nice white bread

And she replied that it’s not very good for you

To which he came back with

But all bread isn’t good so I may as well have the stuff that tastes good


And let me add a little bit more to this gem

Pretty much anything these days is bad for us

carbs, fats, protein you name it

So in my opinion you might as well enjoy yourself

Rather than obsess over the smallest details

Because the small details don’t matter

Not at the start anyway



You don’t need to cut out all processed food in January

You don’t need to give up sugar

Or alcohol

You don’t need to go low carb

You don’t need to exercise 5 days a week

What you do need is very simple

A plan that works for YOU and your lifestyle

Get yours here


John ‘common sense’ O’C

P.S. Was in town yesterday with a friend

You’ll never guess what he spent on a fricken Star Wars statue…

About the Author John O'C

John O'Connell is the owner of SF Fitness & Health Centre. He started working in the fitness industry in 2002 after suffering a back injury. He has worked with many professional organisations including Leinster Rugby, An Garda Siochana, New Zealand Rugby, Dublin GAA, Spar and CBRE. He has also appeared muliple times on both RTE & TV3 as a health & fitness expert. John is the co-author of 2 international best selling books - Total Body Breakthroughs and The Fit Formula.

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