
McGregor & The Secret = BS

Don’t get fooled

There’s a secret to The Secret that nobody tells you about

Conor McGregor seems to have used the Law Of Attraction

To become the UFC Champion

Sure he has immense belief

Not only that, it’s like he predicted what was gonna happen

But there’s one thing he has done that you must not forget

He has a relentless work ethic

Sure he shouted from the rooftops how he was gonna beat Aldo

A guy who was unbeaten in 10 years

But he practiced daily on how he was gonna do it

He studied Aldo and his every move to find a weakness

There’s a video going around of McGregor in his dressing room

Warming up before the fight

Doing the exact same movement, step back and throw a left hook

That knocked Aldo out

He even described this movement on the Thursday before the fight

But that’s not the Law Of Attraction

That’s relentless dedication to perfection

That’s practice

That’s putting the time and effort in

There’s nothing wrong with knowing what you want and focusing on it daily

But thinking about a fitter, healthier body won’t do anything for you

You can’t manifest those changes

Until you put the time and effort in

Now, once you are putting in the time and effort

Focusing on the exact outcome and how to get it

will more than likely

get you there quicker

Versus thinking about why it’s so hard

Or why you might never get there



It’s why the first question I’ll ask at your consultation

Is what do you want

And then spend a long time really nailing down what that means to you

Alas we can’t just leave it there 

Like I said you can’t just manifest those changes

But once we know exactly what you want and what your struggles are

We can design a step by step personal plan to get you there


John ‘relentless’ O’C

P.S. Got that blog post about Jackie almost done

It’s a doozy will send it on tomorrow

About the Author John O'C

John O'Connell is the owner of SF Fitness & Health Centre. He started working in the fitness industry in 2002 after suffering a back injury. He has worked with many professional organisations including Leinster Rugby, An Garda Siochana, New Zealand Rugby, Dublin GAA, Spar and CBRE. He has also appeared muliple times on both RTE & TV3 as a health & fitness expert. John is the co-author of 2 international best selling books - Total Body Breakthroughs and The Fit Formula.

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